Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

NAD Decision Provides Guidance on Claims Against Unnamed Competitors

NAD recently issued a decision in a challenge that Bath & Body Works (or “B&BW”) brought against Goose Creek that touches upon a number of common issues advertisers face. Although the decision covers a lot of ground –…

SharkNinja Faces Heat Over Temperature and Non-Stick Claims

In 1985, Bon Jovi released their second studio album, 7800° Fahrenheit. As a good New Jersey resident with good taste in music, I bought the album. I remember learning that the title supposedly referred to the melting…

NARB Gives FTC an Opportunity to Apply New Endorsement Guides

Smile Prep operates a website that provides reviews of clear aligners (otherwise known as “invisible braces”) based on an “extensive five-point analysis.” Because Smile Prep’s sole source of revenue consists of…

NAD Addresses Apples and Oranges in Price Claims

Google recently ran two commercials for its YouTube TV service, each of which ended with the following tagline: “More than cable. For $600 less than cable.” A disclosure at the bottom of the screen explained: “Annual…

NAD Reads into Emojis

Earlier this year, Coca-Cola reformulated its Powerade beverage to include more electrolytes. In some ads, it boasted that the beverage now contained “50% more electrolytes vs. Gatorade Thirst Quencher.” One social…