Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

NAD Decision Offers Guidance on Comparisons Against Categories

When an advertiser makes a comparison against a category of products, it must generally substantiate the claim against 85% of the products in that category. It’s common for advertisers to narrow down a category in…

When Monsters Cross a Line (Claim)

For centuries, monsters have been vilified in countless books and films. Although the bad reputation that monsters have earned is generally well-deserved – they do, after all, frequently hurt people, destroy things,…

Ad Law Access Podcast: Comparative Advertising 101

Companies often want to claim that their products or services are better than the products or services offered by a competitor. However, comparative claims tend to be highly scrutinized by competitors and subject to…

NAD Decision Addresses Product Comparisons

This month, NAD announced a decision involving T-Mobile’s ads for its TVision service. The service currently allows subscribers to watch TV over a wired broadband connection, though T-Mobile plans to offer wireless…

2019 Selected Top Ad Law Access Reads and Listens

In 2019, Ad Law Access published 124 stories on a wide range of topics. However, two topics stood out above the others: California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) CCPA was far and away the most popular topic of 2019…