Ad Law Access Podcast

Providing updates and analysis on advertising, marketing, and privacy / data security law.

NAD Decision Considers #1 Claims

LegalZoom makes various #1 claims, including that it is the “#1 choice for online small business formation,” that it is “#1 rated by small businesses,” and that is ​“voted #1 by small businesses.” ZenBusiness…

NAD Decision Considers As Seen In” Claims

| 3 min

LegalZoom has a box on its website with the title ​“As Seen In” followed by the logos of five publications that have featured its services. In an NAD challenge, ZenBusiness argued that because LegalZoom has an…

FTC Finalizes Rule on Fake Review”

| 4 min

Yesterday, the Federal Trade Commission announced its final rule addressing consumer reviews and testimonials. With this rule, the Commission takes aim at ​“fake” reviews and testimonials by prohibiting their sale or…

FCC Proposes New TCPA Rules for AI Calls and Texts

| 7 min

On August 7, 2024, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Notice of Inquiry related to the use of artificial intelligence in outbound calls and texts. Among the proposed…

FTC Settlement with CarShield Holds Lessons on Endorsements

| 5 min

If you’ve watched the news recently, it’s fairly safe to predict that two things happened. First, you probably watched an announcer recount disturbing news about the current political climate. Second, following that…