Ad Law Access Podcast

Providing updates and analysis on advertising, marketing, and privacy / data security law.

Senate Confirms New FTC Commissioners Holyoak and Ferguson; Reconfirms Slaughter

| 3 min

After nearly a year without a Republican Commissioner after Christine Wilson’s resignation, the FTC will again have a full slate of five Commissioners – with two new Republican Commissioners in Melissa Holyoak and…

Washington State Poised to Launch Artificial Intelligence Task Force

As we have previously reported, state attorneys general (AGs) have great interest in artificial intelligence (AI) and we do not see this stopping anytime soon. This time, our focus is on a bipartisan legislative…

Company Complies with NARB Decision on Review Disclosures After FTC Intervenes

| 4 min

Smile Prep operates a website that provides reviews of clear aligners (or ​“invisible braces”) based on an ​“extensive five-point analysis.” Because Smile Prep’s sole source of revenue consists of commissions from some…

NAD Decision Addresses Influencer Disclosures

| 3 min

Last week, NAD announced a decision involving a challenge that a competitor brought against Wonderbelly involving (among other things) an influencer campaign.…cer-disclosures

NAD Provides Guidance on Clean” Claims

| 4 min

In a recent decision, NAD notes that ​“clean” claims are ​“ubiquitous in the beauty industry.” Despite that, the term doesn’t have a clear definition and reasonable minds can disagree over exactly what it means. That…