Ad Law Access
Ad Law Access Podcast: Texting 101 - The Hot Button Issues to Consider When Running a Texting Campaign
On another new episode of the Ad Law Access Podcast, Alysa Hutnik starts at the beginning and explains a few of the issues you need to think about before starting a telemarketing texting campaign. For additional…
Announcing the Advertising and Privacy Law Webinar Series
"Please join Kelley Drye in 2017 for the Advertising and Privacy Law Webinar Series. Like our annual in-person event, this series will provide engaging speakers with extensive experience and knowledge in the fields of…
Avoiding the Enforcement Crosshairs of Cross-Device Tracking
The Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) recently announced that enforcement of its guidance on cross-device tracking (the “ Application of the DAA Principles of Transparency and Control to Data Used Across Devices ”)…
2016 Advertising and Privacy Law Summit Attendee Follow up
As a follow up to Kelley Drye’s 4 th Annual Advertising and Privacy Law Summit, we are providing attendees with a copy of our desktop reference guide . The guide covers many of the topics discussed at the Summit,…
Going Geo-Loco: FTC Settles with Mobile Ad Network over Geolocation Collection
The FTC announced a settlement on Wednesday with mobile advertising company, InMobi Pte Ltd., concerning allegations that the company deceptively tracked the geolocation of hundreds of millions of unknowing consumers,…