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Looking to the Skies: The FCC Seeks Additional Information on Potential Stratospheric-Based Communications Platforms and Services
On November 2, 2021, the Federal Communications Commission’s (“FCC’s) Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (“Bureau”) published a public notice in the Federal Register focused on asking whether the 71-76 GHz, 81-86 GHz,…
Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument Over the TCPA’s Definition of an Autodialer
For the second time this year, the TCPA came before the Supreme Court via teleconference oral argument in Facebook, Inc. v. Duguid, et al, Case No. 19-511 (2020). The Supreme Court’s disposition of Facebook’s…
Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument Over the TCPA’s Definition of an Autodialer
For the second time this year, the TCPA came before the Supreme Court via teleconference oral argument in Facebook, Inc. v. Duguid, et al, Case No. 19-511 (2020). The Supreme Court’s disposition of Facebook’s petition…
Section 13(b) at the New Year: Where Things Stand in the Fight Over The FTC’s Enforcement Authority
The year ended with a flurry of activity related to the FTC’s ability to obtain permanent injunctions and restitution under Section 13(b) of the FTC Act. As we head into 2020, a level-set is in order. To File or Not…
FTC’s i-Health Settlement Features Evolving Substantiation and Fencing-In Standards
Earlier this week, the FTC announced that supplement marketers i-Health, Inc. and Martek Biosciences Corporation (the Companies) have agreed to settle charges of deceptive advertising for claiming that their…