Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

USDA Issues Final Rule Regarding Biobased Product Labeling

On January 20, 2011, the United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) issued a final rule regarding a voluntary product certification and labeling program for biobased products. The new rule creates a distinctive…

New Green Claims Raise Red Flags

In October, we posted that the FTC had proposed revisions to the “Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims,” more commonly known as the “Green Guides.” Among other things, the FTC’s proposed revisions…

FTC Releases Proposed Changes and New Guidance to The Green Guides

This week, the FTC issued its proposed revisions to the " Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims " (the "Green Guides") and announced that it will be accepting public comment on the Proposed Guides until…

Using "Green" Marketing Claims? Make Them Clear

With "green" products becoming more and more prevalent, marketers must ensure that their green marketing claims do not overstate the environmental benefits of their product or service, or they could face regulatory…

International Chamber of Commerce Announces New Framework for Green Claims

It’s no surprise that in our current economic condition consumer spending is down. A company's budget, and especially marketing dollars, have to work more efficiently than ever before. While consumers may be watching…