Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Two-Faced? Coppertone Case Tests Whether Factually True Claims Are Deceptive

Kelley Drye

Can claims that are factually true still be deceptive? This is the question before a Connecticut federal court. Last summer, Tonya Akes, a consumer, sued Beiersdorf, Inc., maker of Coppertone sunscreen, alleging that…

State AGs See Eye to Eye on Recent Telehealth Settlement

Enforcement in the telehealth space continues – this time with a bipartisan settlement between 11 State AGs and Visibly (f.k.a. Opternative), a vision telehealth company. Unlike recent telehealth settlements where…

New York’s Cannabis Market Sees New Advertising Rules

New York’s legal cannabis market is growing up. And it with? More regulations. The Cannabis Control Board, a subset of the Office of Cannabis Management charged with overseeing marijuana regulations statewide,…

FTC Sends Penalty Offense Notices to Nearly 700 Companies Regarding Product Claims Substantiation

The FTC sent out new penalty offense notices to 670 companies today, warning them that failure to substantiate product claims could result in civil penalties of more than $50,000. The companies also received copies of…

Consumer Redress Amount Doesn’t Add Up

Back in October of 2021, the FTC announced a settlement with Resident Home, LLC and its CEO, Ran Reske, for deceptively advertising its DreamCloud brand mattresses as being made with 100% USA-made materials. The…