Ad Law Access
Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments
What The FTC Said About Direct Selling In 2018
Earlier this year, the Federal Trade Commission released new business guidance for direct sellers and multilevel marketers describing the legal principles that it will apply when evaluating practices under the FTC Act.…
New Article on Whether A Single FTC Commissioner Constitute A Quorum
FTC Commissioner Terrell McSweeny is scheduled to resign effective April 28 and may leave with acting Chairman Maureen Ohlhausen as the sole commissioner. Law360 published an article by partner John Villafranco and…
'Smart' Ways To Avoid FTC Internet Of Things Scrutiny
Connected devices have existed in the marketplace in one form or another for decades (think vending machines or weather sensors). Yet, a confluence of forces in recent years has helped spur a mass proliferation of…