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New Mexico Attorney General Settles Google Children’s Privacy Cases: A Unique Settlement Adds to a Complicated Landscape
On December 13, the New Mexico Attorney General announced a settlement with Google to resolve claims regarding children’s privacy, including in the burgeoning EdTech space. The federal lawsuits Balderas v. Tiny Lab…
CCPA Update: AdTech Options to Avoid a “Sale” and What Google Has to Say About It
Last Monday, Google released its answer to the CCPA: a new “service provider” contract . Given Google’s widely used advertising and analytics technologies, Google’s new contract has the potential to influence how…
FCC Will Seek Comment on Auction Procedures for 3.5 GHz PALs
At its Open Meeting on Thursday (September 26), the FCC will be set to adopt a Public Notice that seeks comment on bidding procedures for Auction 105 – the long-anticipated auction of Priority Access Licenses (“PALs”)…
C’est la vie? French Regulator Fines Google Nearly $57 million for GDPR Non-compliance
On Monday, France’s Data Protection Agency announced that it levied a €50 million ($56.8 million) fine against Google for violating the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The precedent-setting fine by…
“Give the Money to One Percenters, Not to Non-Profits,” 11 State Attorneys General Argue
On July 5, bipartisan Attorneys General from 11 states filed an astonishing brief in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, asking that court to reject the proposed class action settlement in In re Google Inc. Cookie…