Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Neora Prevails In Landmark Decision For Direct Selling Industry

Big, BIG win for the direct selling industry, as Judge Barbara Lynn (N.D. Texas) grants judgment for Neora, LLC (formerly Nerium) on all of the FTC’s claims, including that the company was operating an illegal pyramid…

FTC Advises Companies to Remediate Log4j Vulnerability

In an unusual warning to companies running Java applications with Log4j in their environments, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently cautioned that it “intends to use its full legal authority to pursue companies…

Some fireworks at Bedoya’s Senate confirmation hearing, but confirmation still seems likely

On November 17, the Senate Commerce Committee held its eagerly-awaited hearing on the nomination of Alvaro Bedoya, a data privacy academic from Georgetown Law, to be FTC Commissioner. Bedoya is slated to replace Rohit…

Join Kelley Drye at the 16th Annual FCBA/ABA Privacy and Data Security Symposium

On Tuesday, November 16 at 2:00 PM, the FCBA Privacy and Data Security Committee and the American Bar Association’s Forum on Communications Law will hold the 16th Annual Privacy & Data Security Symposium: “The Evolving…

FTC Staff Report Puts Spotlight Back on ISP Data Collection and Use Practices; FCC Re-Regulation Suggested

Over the past few years, the data collection and use practices of Internet Service Providers ("ISPs") have largely flown under the radar while large internet platforms and the broader adtech industry have been under…