Ad Law Access
Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments
FCC Sets Effective Date for TCPA “Reasonable” Consent Revocation Rules
The Federal Communications Commission has announced that its new Telephone Consumer Protection Act rules related to “reasonable” revocation of consent will become effective on April 11, 2025 . The rules were approved…
A New Era for the FTC and U.S. Privacy? House Reconciliation Bill Would Give the FTC $500 Million to Build a New Privacy Bureau.
As we’ve all been following in the news, the House reconciliation bill to fund “human infrastructure” is still mired in negotiations, ever on the verge of either passing to monumental fanfare, or cratering in failure.…
Competition Policy Gets a Top Spot in the White House
Following weeks of speculation about a potential role for Columbia Law Professor Tim Wu in the Biden Administration, the White House announced on March 5 that Wu has been named Special Assistant to the President for…