Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Congress Investigates Rural LEC "Traffic Pumping"

The House Committee on Energy and Commerce has sent a February 16, 2010 letter to 24 rural local exchange carriers seeking information about their access charge services. The 24 carriers receiving the letters were…

Enforcement Bureau Settles Outage Reporting Investigations

While the rest of the Enforcement Bureau has not yet fully emerged from the FCC transition, the Spectrum Enforcement Division continues to move investigations along. Last month, the division fined several wireless…

FCC Seeks Comment on Two USF Appeals

Continuing its recent custom, the FCC quickly sought comment on two Universal Service Appeals. The issues involved in these appeals include classification of information services, classification of reseller revenues…

Comcast, Net Neutrality and the Universal Service Fund

Yesterday, the DC Circuit held oral argument on Comcast's appeal of the FCC's ruling that Comcast ilegally blocked P2P traffic in its broadband Internet service. By all accounts, the argument went poorly for the FCC.…

FCC Inspector General Discloses Effort to Identify USF Non-Contributors

Tucked inside a semi-annual report released over the holidays, the FCC's Inspector General revealed that its most recent round of audits of the Universal Service Fund included, for the first time, an effort to identify…