Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Flexing the Agency’s Muscles: What FTC Notice of Penalty Offenses Really Means for Advertisers

Over the last ten days, 700 companies and 70 for-profit colleges received notice of the FTC’s intent to pursue civil penalties under Section 5(m)(1)(b), if these companies and colleges engage in certain conduct…

FTC Blankets Companies With Warning Letters Over Endorsements and Reviews

As we have noted in earlier posts, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s holding that Section 13(b) of the FTC Act does not allow for monetary restitution, the Federal Trade Commission has been attempting to creatively…

FTC Threatens 70 Colleges with Civil Penalties in Attempt to Resurrect Penalty Offense Authority

Making good on promises to creatively explore all of its options for enforcement, the FTC yesterday notified 70 for-profit higher educational institutions that it intends to use its long dormant Penalty Offense…

FTC/FDA Cease and Desist Letters to Companies Touting Diabetes Cures: Is the FTC Testing the Limits of Its Civil Penalty Authority?

As they often have done in the past, the FTC and the FDA issued joint cease and desist letters last week to 10 companies suspected of making unproven health claims – in this instance, claims that dietary supplements… Lobbies FTC to Use Penalty Offense Authority against Direct Sellers continues to aggressively beat the enforcement drum. Today, its leaders sent a letter to Acting Director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection Samuel Levine encouraging the FTC “to implement a penalty offense…