Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

New Senate Financial Reform Bill Released

Today, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd (D-CT) released a revised financial regulatory reform bill, which would create the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. The Bureau would be housed in the Federal…

REMINDER: New Credit Card Regulations Take Effect Today; Gift and Debit Card Rules to Follow

Major provisions of a new law related to credit and gift cards take effect today. The Credit CARD Act, which was signed by President Obama in May 2009, marked the culmination of several legislative efforts to reform…

State Regulators' Powers Over National Banks Reaffirmed by U.S. Supreme Court

Recently, the United States Supreme Court, in its decision styled Andrew M. Cuomo v. The Clearing House Association, L.L.C., No. 08-453, reaffirmed that federal banking regulations do not pre-empt states from…

The End of the Arbitration Clause?

In order to avoid the substantial risks of class action litigation, many financial service providers – both traditional and non traditional – require that customer agreements contain an arbitration clause and a waiver…

Congress Moves to Supplement Fed on Credit Cards

In yet another reminder to credit card providers that they need to continue monitoring government attempts to legislate and regulate credit card products, services and policies, two pieces of credit card legislation…