Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Chopra Confirmed as Next CFPB Director; Departure Leaves FTC Evenly Divided

The Senate yesterday confirmed current FTC Commissioner Rohit Chopra as the new Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) . The 50-48 vote to confirm was along party lines and followed Vice President…

FTC Continues Push for Civil Penalties with Important Implications for Financial Institutions and MLMs

The FTC yesterday took two actions that on their face seemed part of the regular course, but that could signal notable changes for financial institutions and multi-level marketing companies. First, the FTC filed an…

FTC Nominee Lina Khan Sails through Committee with Bipartisan Support While Chopra Awaits Senate Vote for CFPB Director

The Senate Commerce Committee today voted overwhelmingly to move forward with Lina Khan’s nomination as FTC Commissioner, signaling that Khan is likely to ultimately be confirmed as the youngest Commissioner ever at…

Senators Circling Antitrust Targets, But Not Yet Closing In

["At a hearing<\/a> of the Antitrust Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee today, Chair Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) emphasized the need for broad antitrust reform. While she rallied bipartisan support to supplement…

CFPB Rescinds “Abusive” Policy Statement, Signaling Broader and More Aggressive View of “Abusive” Authority

In a significant but unsurprising move, the CFPB announced today that it was rescinding a policy statement issued in January 2020 that sought to tether the Bureau’s “abusive” authority to certain limiting principles.…