Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Section 13 (b)log: Direct Seller Stands Its Ground: Neora Seeks Declaratory Judgment Against the FTC, Challenging the Agency’s Section 13(b) Authority

The continuing questions over the extent of the FTC’s enforcement authority to obtain monetary relief under Section 13(b) did not stop the Commission from filing a lawsuit on November 1 against multi-level marketer…

Section 13 (b)log: Business As Usual? FTC Practice in the Wake of Shire ViroPharma and Credit Bureau Center

The reach of Section 13(b) of the FTC Act – and the extent of the FTC’s enforcement authority -- has been a hotly-debated topic following the Third Circuit’s decision in Shire ViroPharma and the Seventh Circuit’s…