Stephen G. Hauck


New Jersey
Phone number
(973) 503-5929
New York
Phone number
(212) 808-5150

Stephen Hauck is a member of the firm’s Executive Committee. Steve’s practice is focused on commercial real estate finance. Steve has extensive experience representing investment banks, commercial banks, insurance companies, debt funds, REITs and other institutional lenders in connection with the origination of commercial mortgage loans, mezzanine loans, component note structures, preferred equity investments and related capital markets products, as well as the purchase and sale of loans in individual and pool transactions. He also represents lenders and servicers in loan workouts and restructurings.

Steve has closed more than a thousand loan transactions totaling tens of billions of dollars across all real estate asset classes in almost every state in the country. His clients include many of the leading CMBS and balance sheet lenders in the U.S. Steve has also served as program counsel” for multiple lending platforms and has extensive experience in helping clients develop and maintain programmatic lending guidelines.

Clients appreciate that Steve brings a practical business acumen and collaborative working style to difficult and highly structured transactions, crafting creative solutions where others see roadblocks. Many of Steve’s client relationships have spanned more than 20 years, a testament to the trust he has earned over decades of effective and reliable counseling.

In his fourth decade of practice, Steve has effectively counseled clients through multiple real estate cycles, helping them to avoid pitfalls, maximize their financial stake and achieve their desired outcomes. Steve prides himself on providing his clients with insightful advice that is grounded in years of firsthand experience and executed in a far more cost-effective manner than his competitors.

I combine decades of industry knowledge with a deep understanding of my client’s business objectives to successfully structure and close complex commercial real estate finance transactions.”

Steve was selected in 2018-2025 for inclusion in the Real Estate Law area as one of The Best Lawyers in America© (Woodward/White, Inc.). A description of the selection methodology can be found at www​.best​lawyers​.com/​m​e​t​h​o​d​ology.

No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.

Commercial Real Estate Finance Council

Mortgage Bankers Association