Labor Days
Every Minute Counts: Should Californian Employers Record Every Minute Worked?
In July, the California Supreme Court issued its opinion in Troester v. Starbucks Corp., holding that the federal wage laws that excuse companies from paying workers for de minimis work, i.e. small amounts of time…
Sirius XM Settles Wage & Hour Class Action With Unpaid Interns
Earlier this month Sirius XM Radio Inc. settled a wage & hour class action with a class of 1,852 unpaid interns that claimed the company violated federal and state labor laws by failing to compensate them for the work…
The Unpaid Internship: Who “Really” Benefits from This Arrangement?
Many of us spent summers working as interns, getting access to the industry of our choice, making contacts, learning – and yes running errands and filing and stuffing envelopes and doing other “grunt” work. Most young…
New York Attorney General’s Office Demands “On Call Shift” Information From Retailers
As reported in various media outlets, the New York Attorney General’s office recently sent a request to several retail employers who do business in New York for information concerning their practices of scheduling…
Even If You Don’t Give Manicures - What All Employers Can Learn From Nail Salons
Many have been surprised and appalled with the recent series of articles in the New York Times exposing the alleged mistreatment of workers at nail salons. What struck me was how these articles should be a wake-up call…