Labor Days
NLRB’s Handbook on Handbooks
As we all know, the NLRB has been working hard in recent years to expand its reach beyond the union workforce – striving to make its decisions and guidance just as relevant to the non-union employer in an age where…
No Such Thing as “No Harm, No Foul”?
Everybody knows that an activist National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) expects a lot of all employers nowadays, union and non-union. One of the areas under the greatest NLRB scrutiny are time-honored, well-worn…
Email Once Again Shows its “Ugly” Side
Ferguson, Missouri remains in the news, with the arrest on Sunday of a suspect in the shooting of two police officers. The shooting came on the heels of a report released by the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) that…
Why the “Epidemic” of FMLA Lawsuits?
The Administrative Office of the US Courts just reported a 26.3% jump in Family Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”) lawsuits in 2014. These numbers are a bit startling. In 2012, there were 291 FMLA lawsuits. In 2013, there were…
The Day of the Woman – Maybe Not at Kleiner Perkins
On Monday, March 9, one day after we all celebrated International Women’s Day, Ellen Pao, a Harvard-trained lawyer, took the stand in her sexual harassment trial against venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins in…