Labor Days

Add One Line in Your Employment Contracts and Policies to Reduce Exposure to Misclassification Liability
Employers, even with the most robust and well-intentioned human resources departments, can still face the dreaded misclassification lawsuit for their salaried employers. In many cases, exempt employees are properly…
Law360 Mentions Partner Mark Konkel as Counsel to Saks in Proposed Wage and Hour Class Action
Partner Mark Konkel was mentioned as Saks Fifth Avenue’s defense counsel in a newly-filed wage-and-hour class action in the Law360 article “Saks Hit With NY Wage Class Action Over Sales Commissions.” The high-end…
Ninth Circuit Invalidates Class Waiver in Arbitration Agreement
In a ruling that widens the divide between federal appellate courts, the Ninth Circuit sided today with the Seventh Circuit and the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) in holding that the class action waiver…
Sandquist v. Lebo Automotive, Inc.: California's Cautionary Tale About the Importance of Drafting Arbitration Agreements with Precision
Ambiguities in employee arbitration agreements may force employers to litigate putative class action claims in arbitration. The California Supreme Court delivered this cautionary message by its recent holding in…
Lessons to be Learned from Uber’s “Wrong Turn” with a Private Investigation
In today’s era of social media and the internet, many of us have an insatiable desire for information and a knee jerk reaction when attacked: What dirt can we find out about our adversary? This often happens in…