FCC Open Meeting Recap
The FCC took a flurry of actions at yesterday’s monthly open meeting. Fulfilling this blog’s role as your resource for news and helpful links, below is your guide to yesterday’s actions.
Wireless Market Report: The Commission adopted its 14th Annual Report on the state of the wireless market. Among other things, this report was controversial because it refused to make an “effective competition” judgment on the wireless market. The report also expands coverage beyond CMRS to address the broader mobile marketplace.
Number Porting: The Commission released a Report and Order shortening the time interval for “simple” ports. This action will particularly affect wireline-to-wireless ports, and might accelerate the trend of “cut the cord” conversions.
Pole Attachments: The Commission made a number of changes to its rules governing the rights of cable and competitive telecommunications providers to hang facilities on utility poles. The order also proposes a number of changes to the pole attachment complaint rules.
Universal Service: The Commission issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to modify its “e-rate” rules, which support discounts for schools and libraries for internet access and other services.
Broadband Spectrum: The Commission adopted rules to make available another 25 MHz of spectrum for mobile braodband use.
REMINDER: For more information on many of these topics, peruse our links on the right hand side of this page.