CommLaw Monitor
FCC Open Meeting Recap Podcast: March 16, 2022
Full Spectrum returns with our newest series, FCC Open Meeting Recaps. These episodes will feature instant reaction and analysis following the FCC’s monthly Open Meetings, with an emphasis on the agenda items directly…
FCC Streamlines Formal Complaint Procedures and Establishes Shot Clock for Decisions
In a move affecting nearly every type of dispute brought to the agency, the FCC adopted a Report and Order (“Order”) at its July meeting establishing a streamlined set of formal complaint rules. The new rules cover…
5G and Broadband Infrastructure in the Spotlight at August FCC Meeting
The FCC will focus on 5G spectrum and the infrastructure supporting next-generation broadband services at its meeting planned for August 2, 2018. Continuing its push to make more spectrum available for flexible…
FCC Open Meeting Recap
The FCC took a flurry of actions at yesterday's monthly open meeting . Fulfilling this blog's role as your resource for news and helpful links, below is your guide to yesterday's actions. Wireless Market Report : The…