Newsweek Quotes Partner Christie Grymes Thompson
In a Newsweek article titled “Spend to Save: Ensure Your ShoppingDollars Go Far to Fight Breast Cancer,” partner Christie Grymes Thompson wasquoted. The article discusses the cause marketing business model -- amutually beneficial partnership between for-profit companies, like shoemanufacturers, and nonprofits, like breast-cancer advocacy groups. Thearticle discusses the cause marketing business model -- a mutuallybeneficial partnership between for-profit companies, like shoemanufacturers, and nonprofits, like breast-cancer advocacy groups.
Ms. Thompson offers advice for consumers who wonder if purchasingproducts adorned with pink breast cancer ribbons contributes tobreast-cancer research and if any of the promotions may be a scam.“Make sure the company selling the product is a known, reputable brandand know that the charity is also legitimate,” she says. In thearticle, Ms. Thompson, who has worked with companies involved incause-marketing campaigns, says her clients typically come close totheir caps, but tend not to exceed them because they manufacture onlyenough pink products to match their dollar goals. “They do theirresearch on the front end,” she says. If you’re concerned about whereyour dollars are going, purchase products that clearly state when thecampaign ends and look for companies that donate a respectablepercentage or set a minimum, not a maximum amount.