Law360 Mentions Kelley Drye’s Representation of Peerless Networks
Partner Hank Kelly, special counsel Michael Dover, and senior associate Catie James were mentioned in the Law360 article, “Peerless Network Nabs $48.5M from Verizon Unit In Fee Row.” In 2014, telecom carrier Peerless Network sued Verizon, claiming that Verizon had withheld fees for using Peerless’ exchanges since 2008. In March 2018, U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Durkin said that Verizon admitted it withheld monies to fight Peerless’ alleged overcharging, and also declared that Verizon should have simply challenged the charges through litigation or the FCC. The two companies met and agreed to the majority of the damages sought; they then turned to Judge Durkin to determine interest payments and how far back to compute underpayments. Judge Durkin awarded Peerless compound interest, as is “the norm…in federal litigation…for a victim.”
Peerless Networks, Inc. is represented by Hank, Mike, and Catie.
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