COVID-19: Back to Work
| 12 min
The coronavirus threat will still be active when many employers begin to return their employees to the job. What will you do when employees refuse to return? When some have been sick but not diagnosed? When social distancing measures remain in place? When some parts of the country (or even your city) are “more open” than others? What should employers do to prepare?
In the latest episode of Kelley Drye’s Legal Download podcast, Labor and Employment practice group co-chair Barbara Hoey talks through some of the snares of legal, logistical and practical considerations as the nation returns to work.
If you are looking for more information on this topic, our Labor and Employment practice presented a two-part series “Getting Back to Work,” to guide employers through the snares of legal, logistical and practical considerations as the nation returns to work:
Part 1 - Preparations and Considerations for Employers -
Part 2 - When the Rubber Hits the Road -