Trump Announces Ferguson To Serve As FTC Chair, Nominates Meador For Open Commissioner Spot
| 5 min
Yesterday, President-elect Trump announced his picks to round out the Federal Trade Commission for his second administration. Trump tapped current Republican Commissioner Andrew Ferguson to be elevated to chair the agency, and nominated Mark R. Meador to fill the commissioner vacancy that will be left behind upon Chair Khan’s departure. As we previously discussed in a post here predicting what to expect pre- and post-inauguration at the FTC, Chair Khan is expected to announce her resignation prior to Trump’s inauguration on January 20. Even if she did not and made an unusual attempt to hold over into the Trump administration, the Republican-controlled Senate’s anticipated confirmation of Meador would moot the move. Current Democratic Commissioners Slaughter and Bedoya, as well as Republican Commissioner Holyoak, are also expected to remain on the Commission.