Ad Law News and Views - October 10, 2020


Cybersecurity and Data Protection Issues in the 2020 Election with Kendall Burman of Alloy

As the political calendar creeps up on Election Day, all eyes are on data, cybersecurity, and how they relate to candidates and their campaigns. In a special edition of Kelley Drye’s Legal Download, privacy partner Aaron Burstein speaks with Kendall Burman, General Counsel for Alloy, a nonprofit start-up building data and technology for political campaigns, state parties, and other partners that work in and around elections. Aaron and Kendall discuss the sorts of privacy and data protection issues that she runs into and privacy and data protection issues in the political campaign arena generally.

Find this episode on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or ask your smart speaker to play the Kelley Drye Legal Download Podcast.


A collection of our top reads this past week, old and new:

The Pink Tax: Discrimination or Actual Differentiation?

COVID-Related Refunds Defeat Article III Standing

PODCAST: Six FTC Rules and Guides You Should Know

NAD Addresses Disclosures on Influencer TikTok Videos

California Privacy Legislation Round-Up: Gov. Newsom Signs CCPA Employee Exemption Extension, Vetoes Others

That Was Then, This Is Now: Trump Administration Proposes Section 230 Reforms

New Decision Warns Against Reposting Photos on Social Media

CCPA 2.0 Gets Closer to Reality: CPRA Eligible for November 2020 Ballot; How Does it Compare to CCPA?

Find these and other stories on the Ad Law Access blog and podcast.


Futureproofing Privacy Programs

October 13, 2020”,“Webinar
Aaron Burstein
Register Here

New Frontiers of the Intersection Between Privacy Laws, Antitrust and Misleading Advertising Enforcement

October 20, 2020 “,“Webinar
Canadian Bar Association (CBA) 2020 Fall Competition Law Conference
Alysa Hutnik

Nuts and Bolts of Basic Advertising: Substantiation, Disclosures and Social Media

November 10, 2020”,“Webinar
2020 ANA/BAA Marketing Law Conference: A Virtual Experience
Gonzalo Mon

The Future of Consumer Protection and Privacy - What to Expect from the FTC

November 10, 2020”,“Webinar
California Lawyers Association: Shelter In Place Institute
Christie ThompsonJohn Villafranco


The latest issue of our TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) Tracker is available here. TCPA continues to be a hot topic and the TCPA Tracker one of our most popular newsletters.

Produced as a collaborative effort between our LitigationAdvertising and Privacy, and Communications practices to help folks stay current on TCPA (and related) matters, case developments and provide an updated comprehensive summary of TCPA petitions pending before the FCC. 

Sign up for the TCPA Tracker via email here and for other Kelley Drye email communications tailored to your interests here. Find more information on TCPA and other telemarketing issues on the Ad Law Access blog and podcast, the Comm Law Monitor blog and Full Spectrum podcast, via our Advertising and Privacy Resource Center


2020 Election Outlook: An In-Depth Analysis of the Race for the White House and Congress

October 21, 2020”,“10 AM EST

Kelley Drye’s Government Relations and Public Policy Group presents a bipartisan assessment of the upcoming 2020 elections. Election analysts Greg Speed and Jim Ellis will provide a detailed and data-packed assessment of the current state of play in the race for the White House.

In addition, they will cover key Senate and House races and the prospects for control of both chambers in the upcoming 117th Congress.

Rise of FCPA & Sanctions Violations as a Result of Supply Chain Disruptions

October 21, 2020”,“10 AM EST

Join Kelley Drye and Withum for this webinar to discuss how restrictions imposed by the latest U.S. economic sanctions can affect supply chains, especially in China and Russia; the importance of OFAC sanctions screening and the latest updates to the OFAC list; and the rise of FCPA violations due to supply chain disruptions and how the DOJ/SEC are increasing enforcement actions on U.S. companies.

Labor and Employment WORKing Lunch Webinar Series

Multiple Dates

Following last year’s success and starting in November, the L&E team will host the 2020/2021 WORKing Lunch, a webinar series focused on bringing in-house counsel, management, and HR professionals the latest trends and developments in workplace law. Topics will include: Survey Of In Vogue Lawsuits: COVID EDITION; Wage & Hour 101; Employee Leave Laws: Managing the Intersection of FMLA, ADA, and FFCRA; Employment Law in the New Administration, and more.

CLE, SHRM and HRCI available.  Visit our website in the forthcoming weeks for more information or email erochefort@​kelleydrye.​com if you’d like to be added to our invite list.
