Ad Law News and Views-December 21, 2016


The Attack On Social Media Influencer Campaigns 

Partner Gonzalo Mon authored the Law360 article The Attack on Social Media Influencer Campaigns.” In the article, he notes that four consumer groups have sent letters to FTC encouraging the agency to investigate the use of influencers on Instagram. The combined letters include over 150 examples of campaigns that allegedly violate the FTC’s Endorsement Guides. Read more...
\"\" Consumer Privacy and Data Security Developments 
January 23, 2017”,“WEBINAR
American Bar Association 
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\"\" Doing Data Right: Legal Best Practices for Making Your Data Work  
March 16, 2017”,“SAN JOSE, CA
Strata + Hadoop World 2017 
Alysa Zeltzer Hutnik
\"\"Multi-State Privacy/Security Investigations: Expert Roundtable   
April 20, 2017”,“WASHINGTON, DC
Global Privacy Summit 2017 
Alysa Zeltzer Hutnik