Reminder: FCC Filings Due March 2019
Kelley Drye Client Advisory
Please be reminded of the upcoming due dates for the Reports listed below:
Form 477: Local Competition and Broadband Report
The Local Competition and Broadband Report, containing data as of December 31, 2018, must be filed by Friday, March 8, 2019. (Note that this report is typically due on March 1st annually, but the FCC extended the deadline for this year’s filing.)The report requires the submission of information regarding broadband connections in individual states.
Who Must File:
- Entities that are facilities-based providers of broadband (i.e., faster than 200 kbps, in at least one direction) connections (including both wired lines and wireless channels) to one or more end user locations in a state;
- ILECs or CLECs that provide wired or fixed wireless local exchange service to one or more end user customers;
- Providers of interconnected VoIP services that provide interconnected VoIP service to one or more subscribers in a state; and
- Facilities-based providers of mobile telephony services that serve one or more mobile telephony subscribers.
Filing Process:
The Form 477 Report must be submitted via an FCC web-based interface and filers will need to use their Federal Registration Number (“ FRN ”) and associated password to access the system.
REVISED Form 499-Q Quarterly Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet
Carriers required to contribute to universal service support mechanisms must report their actual and projected end user and wholesale revenues for each calendar quarter by filing FCC Form 499Q on a quarterly basis. Filers making revisions to the February 1, 2019 Form 499-Q filing must submit the revisions to the Universal Service Administrative Company (“USAC”) no later than Monday, March 18, 2019.REVISED Form 499-A Annual Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet
All providers of interstate telecommunications service and all common carriers are required to file FCC Form 499-A with USAC each year with limited exceptions. Filers making revisions to their previous year’s Form 499-A Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet filing which result in a decreased contribution must submit the revisions to USAC by Monday, April 1, 2019. (Note that these revisions are typically due on March 31st annually. However, because that date falls on a weekend in 2019, Commission rules dictate that the report will be due on the following business day.)Please be advised that attorneys in Kelley Drye & Warren’s Communications Practice Group are experienced in addressing Federal Communications Commission reporting issues and are able to assist clients in filing these reports. For more information regarding this client advisory, please contact your usual Kelley Drye attorney or any member of the Communications Practice Group. For more information on the Communications Practice Group, please click here.