Reminder: Annual Section 43.61 International Telecommunications Traffic Report due July 31, 2014
Kelley Drye Client Advisory
Please be reminded of the upcoming due date for the report listed below:
Section 43.61 Annual International Telecommunications Traffic and Revenue Report
Common carriers that provided international telecommunications services between a U.S. point and a non-U.S. point in 2013 are required to file a report of their international traffic data for the calendar year 2013 by July 31, 2014.International facilities-based and facilities-resale switched message telephone and private line services data must be filed on a country-by-country, region and world total basis. Carriers are no longer required to report traffic from off-shore U.S. points separately and do not have to report traffic between the U.S. and offshore U.S. points (e.g., traffic from the U.S. to Guam and the Pacific islands).
When preparing the report, carriers should be sure to utilize the most recent listings of billing codes and international point codes.
Common carriers providing pure resale international message telephone service or any international miscellaneous service, whether resale or facilities-based, are subject to the streamlined reporting requirements summarized below.
International Message Telephone Service
Common carriers that provide international message telephone service (“IMTS”) on a pure resale basis should submit a streamlined version of their data. These carriers must submit a transmittal letter that contains basic information about the filing as well as a statement regarding whether the carrier earned less than $5 million or $5 million or more in IMTS revenues for calendar year 2013. If the carrier earned $5 million or more in revenues, the letter must also include information regarding total resale minutes and customer revenue.Note: Carriers providing IMTS on a facilities-basis or facilities-resale basis must submit data pursuant to the usual reporting requirements regardless of the amount of revenues being reported.
International Miscellaneous Service
Common carriers that provide international miscellaneous services should submit a streamlined version of their data information. These streamlined requirements apply regardless of how the services are provided, i.e., facilities-based or facilities-resale. The carrier must submit a transmittal letter that contains basic information about the filing as well as a statement regarding whether the carrier earned less than $5 million or $5 million or more in revenue for each such international miscellaneous service for calendar year 2013. If the carrier earned $5 million dollars or more in revenues, the letter must also include information regarding the names and descriptions of the services and the relevant revenues.Please be advised that attorneys in Kelley Drye & Warren’s Communications Practice Group are experienced in addressing international reporting issues and are able to assist clients in filing the international carrier reports. For further information on any of these filings, please contact your usual Kelley Drye attorney.