E-Alert: Revisions to FCC Form 499-Q Due December 16, 2013
Kelley Drye Client Advisory
Please be reminded of the upcoming filing listed below:
Revisions to FCC Form 499-Q Worksheet
Most interstate telecommunications providers must file an FCC Form 499-Q Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet on a quarterly basis. The Worksheets are due to USAC on February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1 of each year. Additionally, a contributor who files a 499-Q Worksheet is obligated to file a revised Worksheet within 45 days if it discovers an error in the data that it reports, i.e., if the filer discovers that it omitted or misclassified a major category of revenue. Contributors are not required file revisions to the Form 499-Q as a result of ordinary accounting adjustments such as out-of-period adjustments. Additionally, filers should not file revised revenue information to reflect mergers, acquisitions, or sales of operating units.The deadline for filing revisions to the November 1, 2013 Form 499-Q Worksheet is December 16, 2013. Revisions should be submitted to USAC. More information about FCC Form 499-Q is available at: http://www.usac.org/cont/tools/forms/default.aspx.
Please be advised that attorneys in Kelley Drye’s Communications practice group are experienced in addressing Federal Communications Commission reporting issues and are able to assist clients in completing and filing the revised Form 499-Q Worksheet.
For further information on any of these filings, please contact your usual Kelley Drye attorney.