Relief From Unfairly Traded Imports
ExecSense E-Learning Publications
Kathy Cannon has co-authored the ExecSense e-book “Relief From Unfairly Traded Imports” to explain what CEOs, U.S. manufacturers, farmers and business managers need to know about obtaining relief from unfairly traded imports in the U.S. market. As experienced international trade lawyers who practice regularly before the ITC, they provide an overview of key factors companies should consider in assessing whether use of the trade remedy laws to address injury caused by imports may be a path worth pursuing.
This publication reviews the basic questions that should be considered in this assessment, including:
- what facts support filing a petition for a U.S. trade remedy investigation;
- who can file a petition;
- the importance of the timing of filing;
- how to determine what product to cover in the petition;
- the need for foreign market research;
- the process and focus of the ITC in trade remedy cases; and
- the benefits of obtaining trade relief.
Most importantly, this publication identifies how to maximize your chances of successfully obtaining relief under the trade remedy laws.
The publication is available for purchase here.