House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee Announces NAFTA Hearing
House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee Chairman Dave Reichert (R-WA) announced on Tuesday, July 11th that the Subcommittee will hold a hearing entitled “Modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement” on Tuesday, July 18th. The hearing will analyze whether NAFTA has been successful for the U.S. economy and job creation, with a focus on the U.S. manufacturing, agriculture, and services sectors, and whether NAFTA can be modernized and updated to better address issues affecting U.S. workers, businesses, and consumers in today’s economy.
In view of the limited time to hear witnesses, oral testimony at this hearing will be from invited witnesses only. However, any individual or organization may submit a written statement for consideration by the Committee and for inclusion in the printed record of the hearing.
Details Hearing on Modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Hearing Information Tuesday, July 18, 2017, at 10:00 AM in Room 1100 of the Longworth House Office Building
Public Submissions For The Record Please click here to submit a statement or letter for the record