Commissioner Kieff Announces Departure from ITC
Commissioner F. Scott Kieff has announced that he will leave the ITC at the end of this month to return to his positions at the George Washington University School of Law and Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. Commissioner Kieff’s last day at the ITC will be June 30, 2017. Kieff has served as an ITC Commissioner since 2013, and his term was set to expire on June 16, 2020. As a result of Commissioner Kieff’s department from the ITC, two of the six Commissioner seats will be vacant. The President has yet to announce any nominations for the vacant positions.
Prior to assuming his role as an ITC Commissioner, Kieff held positions as a professor at the George Washington University School of Law and the Ray & Louise Knowles Senior Fellow at the Stanford University Hoover Institution. According to his bio, Commissioner Kieff’s research, teaching, practice, and consulting work focused on the law, economics, and politics of innovation, including entrepreneurship, corporate governance, finance, economic development, trade, intellectual property, antitrust, bankruptcy, medical ethics, technology policy, and health policy.