Register Today for Kelley Drye’s 4th Annual USF Update Webinar

Big changes continue to be made in the Universal Service Fund. With substantial reform of the High Cost Fund, the Lifeline program and a new rural healthcare connect fund, USF occupied a major place in the FCC agenda in 2012. Moreover, comprehensive contributions reform is under consideration and the FCC is clearing out a backlog of USF appeals affecting resold services, MPLS and more.

In this annual webinar, Kelley Drye will walk you through the USF changes you need to know, with an eye toward what to expect in 2013. We also will discuss the audit and appeal process in detail, including the differences between USAC and Inspector General audits. Our speakers will offer analysis and practical advice based on frontline experience in audits and appeals, and years of providing compliance and enforcement advice in this area.

The following topics will be addressed:

  • Major Changes in the High Cost (CAF), Low-Income (Lifeline), and Rural Healthcare Funds
  • Prospects for Contributions Reform in 2013
  • Changes in the 499-A Form and Instructions
  • Developments in the USF Audit and FCC Appeal Processes

Kelley Drye Speakers:

Steve Augustino, Partner

John Heitmann, Partner


March 19, 2013
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT


Additional Information:

Registration is free of charge. Please click here to register.