Kelley Drye Webinar: The National Broadband Plan
Last year, the U.S. Congress directed the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to develop a National Broadband Plan to ensure that every American has “access to broadband capability.” After 36 public workshops, 31 public notices that produced 75,000 pages of public comments, 131 blogposts that triggered 1,489 comments, 69,500 views on YouTube, and countless tweets, the National Broadband Plan is finally here. In the words of FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, the National Broadband Plan is “a 21st century roadmap to spur economic growth and investment, create jobs, educate our children, protect our citizens, and engage in our democracy.” The National Broadband Plan will be a major influence on U.S. communications policy for the next decade, and it will be studied by broadband providers and national regulatory authorities in many other countries.
Join Robert Aamoth, Todd Daubert and Joan Griffin of the Telecommunications Practice Group of Kelley Drye & Warren LLP for an insightful discussion of the Plan, how implementation of the Plan might impact your business, and what you can do about it. The topics we will explore include:
A succinct overview of the National Broadband Plan and its key elements;
A discussion of the myriad new FCC proceedings that will be launched in the wake of the plan, with a focus on proposed reforms of the Universal Service Fund and intercarrier compensation;
The Plan’s recommendations on changes in competition policy, such as new pricing and performance disclosure requirements for broadband service providers, and new rules to promote intermodal wholesale broadband competition;
Proposals for more efficient recovery, allocation, and assignment of spectrum and for increased availability of infrastructure such as poles, conduits, rooftops, and rights-of-way; and
Next steps for the Commission.
To register, call Alexandra Meaza at 202.945.6674 or email Click here for additional details.
Tags: Broadband