FCC Releases 2012 Universal Service Revenue Reporting Worksheet
As it does every year, the FCC released its update to the annual Form 499-A. The Form 499-A is used to report revenues for purposes of the federal Universal Service Fund and also for calculating associated revenue-based contribution obligations such as TRS, NANP, LNP and FCC Regulatory Fees. The Public Notice describes changes to the form, primarily to implement the new requirement that non-interconnected VoIP providers contribute to the TRS fund. (Non-interconnected VoIP providers were required to register with USAC for this purpose by December 31, 2011.)
The 2012 Form 499-A has been posted on USAC’s website. Go to “universal service links” in our Resource Center on the right-hand side of this page for the USAC Forms page.
REMINDER: Kelley Drye will discuss these changes, important developments in USF audits and other topics at our 3rd Annual USF Update Webinar next week. This is our most popular webinar of the year. Please register today.