FCC Enforcement Update: New Fraud Division and Bureau Insights
On August 12, the FCC officially launched the Fraud Division of its Enforcement Bureau with the publication of an Order adopted earlier this year. The new division will be tasked with taking enforcement actions against fraud in the Universal Service Fund (“USF”) and other funding programs that the agency oversees. While February’s brief Order did not address several issues, including how the division would be staffed and the status of the “USF Strike Force,” the FCC answered questions as they prepared to launch.
In the latest edition of Kelly Drye’s Full Spectrum podcast, Partner Steve Augustino provides details on the Bureau’s new Fraud Division and other takeaways from a recent Federal Communications Bar Association event featuring FCC Enforcement Bureau Chief Rosemary Harold and her deputies. This episode is part of Full Spectrum’s recurring series on FCC Enforcement and can be found here or wherever you get your podcasts.