Annual FCC Regulatory Fees Due September 13, 2012
As is customary every year, the FCC recently announced the due date for its annual FCC regulatory fees. Regulatory fees must be paid no later than 11:59 PM on September 13, 2012, Eastern Daylight Time. Most federal licensees and other regulated entities must pay these regulatory fees to offset costs associated with the FCC’s enforcement, public service, international, policy, and rulemaking activities. Fee amounts change each year and vary by type of activity. Of particular interest is the Interstate Telecommunications Service Provider Fee which must be paid by most companies, including VoIP providers and audio bridging providers. Fees not paid by the due date are subject to a mandatory 25% late payment penalty.
Please reference the Kelley Drye client advisory for more information. Fact sheets detailing the types of fees, fee codes and payment methods and options can be found on the FCC’s website.
Tags: and, Compliance Filing, FCC, fee, Fees, Fees and taxes, Regulatory, Regulatory fee, taxes