Register Today for Kelley Drye’s Privacy Law Symposium and Webinar
Live in Los Angeles or via webinar, please join Kelley Drye & Warren LLP on April 23 for an afternoon program covering privacy-related trends in enforcement, class action litigation, and insurance recovery. Click here to register for the webinar.
Privacy Law Symposium and Webinar: Enforcement, Litigation and Risk Management
Avoiding an FTC Privacy Investigation and What To Do When You Find Yourself the Target of One A number of data practices are clearly catching the FTC’s eye. Kelley Drye privacy attorneys Dana B. Rosenfeld and Alysa Z. Hutnik will discuss which business practices are most likely to draw the FTC’s attention, and practical steps that businesses can take to reduce their risk of becoming the next target of an FTC privacy investigation or improve their defenses if businesses are investigated. And for those companies that do find themselves at the center of an investigation, learn key practice pointers that should go into every business’s strategy when determining how best to respond to the investigation.
Top Issues in Class Action Lawsuits Arising Out of Privacy, Data Security, and New Media Technology California is a hotbed for consumer class action lawsuits, and business practices involving the collection and use of personally identifiable information can often prompt class actions. Kelley Drye litigator Lauri A. Mazzuchetti will discuss the top issues at play in class action suits involving privacy, information security, mobile applications, and related areas.
Insurance Coverage for Data Privacy Liability - Do You Already Have It, and If Not, Can You Buy It? Companies suffering data security breaches have had varying degrees of success in their efforts to obtain insurance coverage for their liabilities and costs of defense. Kelley Drye insurance recovery lawyers will provide an overview of the types of insurance coverage potentially available in the data privacy context, focusing on which types of policies might apply, which arguments are likely to prevail to establish coverage, and what practical steps a company should take to maximize its insurance recovery in the event of a data breach.
Date: Monday, April 23, 12:00 – 3:00 PM Pacific Lunch begins at noon, with formal program to start at 12:30 PM.
Location: Kelley Drye & Warren LLP 10100 Santa Monica Blvd. Twenty-third Floor Los Angeles, CA 90067 (301) 712-6199
To attend live in LA, email or contact Cassidy Russell at 202.342.800.
To attend remotely by webinar, click here to register.