KDW Ad Law Presents “Advertising Under The Influence: Rules of the Road For Your Company’s Next Influencer Campaign” via Webinar on Thursday, November 9, at Noon Eastern
Social media influencers help drive consumer engagement with the brands they love. Better reviews, more “likes,” and thousands of re-tweets can all add up to a bigger bottom line and greater insight into what sells and what doesn’t. When the line between advertising and objective content isn’t made clear, though, it can also prompt legal scrutiny and enforcement from the FTC. Richard Cleland, Assistant Director in the FTC’s Advertising Practices Division held a webinar discussion of recent enforcement and key “rules of the road” for your company’s next influencer campaign on Thursday, November 9. Please click here for a copy of the slides and here for a copy of the recording. As a courtesy, we are also including a list of links to the FTC’s native advertising guidance, a checklist for review of native advertising, and a summary of the SEC’s enforcement on native ads for financial products. We hope that you find these materials useful.