CFPB Releases “Progress Report”
The CFPB released a “progress report” on Monday tracking its achievements over the past year and goals for the immediate future, all part of the lead-up to the transfer of its authority from other agencies on July 21. The full report is available here. Describing itself as a “21st century agency,” the report outlines current projects, such as simplifying mortgage disclosure forms, and pending activities, such as the initial “larger participant” rule. The report also highlights the CFPB’s efforts to engage the public and the financial sector, detailing Elizabeth Warren’s speaking schedule over the past year, and summarized the current organizational structure and key hires. Finally, the report describes several Memoranda of Understanding signed by CFPB with other federal agencies and non-government entities to permit sharing of information and cooperation. Followers of the CFPB’s development during this start-up time will find the report a helpful summary of its activities.