Privacy in the Online Ecosystem: Obligations and Best Practices Are Evolving
OReilly Strata
Partner Alysa Hutnik authored the O’Reilly Strata guest blog post, “Privacy in the Online Ecosystem: Obligations and Best Practices Are Evolving.” The article discusses how federal and state regulators, namely the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), are responding to privacy concerns relating to the comprehensive collection of consumer online data by Internet service providers, operating systems, browsers, search engines, and social media.
The online environment involves a range of different entities that may touch a consumer’s personal data. The FTC is moving from targeting only app developers or service providers that may “own” the relationship with the consumer, to including all stakeholders in the mobile app ecosystem. The recently released staff report, “Mobile Privacy Disclosures: Building Trust Through Transparency” stresses this, and the need for greater collaboration, consistent communication, and self-policing among these ecosystem partners to ensure that the customer is adequately informed about the data being collected, and that such data is properly protected.
Alysa’s February 27, 2013 presentation at Strata Santa Clara Conference will draw from the best practices in online data collection and describe how companies can avoid big privacy “don’ts” when collecting, storing, or sharing consumers’ personal data.
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