Key Provisions From FTC’s Marketing Guide For Apps
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently published a marketing guide for mobile app developers, entitled “Marketing Your Mobile App: Get it Right from the Start.” In addition to identifying truth-in-advertising standards, the guide provides basic privacy principles for mobile app developers that align with the core principles contained in the FTC staff’s March 2012 privacy report.
This Law360 article outlines the key provisions in the aforementioned FTC marketing guide. These guidelines underscore that the FTC is closely monitoring mobile app practices, particularly with respect to whether marketers abide by truth-in-advertising laws, privacy principles and children’s privacy requirements. While taking a “privacy by design” approach to mobile apps and carefully vetting all advertising claims requires time and resources, these proactive steps now can help avoid unwanted scrutiny and potential enforcement action by the FTC, as well as state regulators and litigants.