Brad Hudgens

Senior Trade Analyst

Phone number
(202) 945-6691

Brad Hudgens provides economic counsel to domestic producers in connection with international trade litigations and other advocate pleadings before government agencies, with a particular emphasis on international trade matters before the U.S. International Trade Commission. At Georgetown Economic Services (GES), Brad leads a team of economists and analysts in cases that require special technical expertise and often works directly with clients in preparing the complex economic analysis critical to winning trade cases.

Brad has advised the Specialty Steel Industry of North America (SSINA), as well as other coalitions of steel, agriculture, chemical and general manufacturing industries in ongoing antidumping and countervailing duty cases involving imports from a number of foreign countries. He has assisted in the development of hundreds of trade cases involving analyses of the financial condition of industries impacted by subsidized and/or dumped imports.

Brad has also worked with the Department of Commerce and U.S. Customs to prevent circumvention of the U.S. trade laws by foreign producers and U.S. importers. He has also helped U.S. industries obtain additional tariff breakouts to better monitor trade. Furthermore, Brad has conducted seminars with U.S. Customs regarding circumvention and classification issues.

Brad served as an international trade analyst for seven years with the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) prior to becoming an economic consultant. Notably, his professional experience includes two years as a lecturer of business management at Hong Kong Baptist College.

Brad is not licensed to practice law.

Our clients’ businesses operate far from Washington, D.C., and the federal government. As someone who has worked in federal agencies, I understand how they operate and what drives their decision-making process. This insider’s view enables me to effectively advocate on behalf of a broad range of industries.