Wicked Local Chatham Notes Kelley Drye’s Counsel in Protecting Historical Town
Kelley Drye and partner David Frulla were mentioned in the Wicked Local Chatham article “Chatham hiring big guns to fight plan to claim town’s South Beach.” The article discusses how Chatham’s board has hired Kelley Drye & Warren to help develop scientific and legal arguments to protect the current fishing practices in the Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge. David is very familiar with the enabling legislation that created the refuge, as well as the Wilderness Act of 1979 which prohibits commercial activities. He, as well as town counsel, will be working to refute the refuge’s claim that it can extend its borders and arguing that its boundary does not extend beyond the mean low water mark. In its recent drafts the refuge is stating an additional 4000 acres of submerged tidelands is under their purview.
To read the full article, click here.