U.S. Producers of Boltless Steel Shelving Applaud International Trade Commission Affirmative Preliminary Determination in Antidumping Case Against China
(Washington, D.C., October 10, 2014) – The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) made a unanimous preliminary determination today that unfairly traded imports of boltless steel shelving prepackaged for sale (“boltless steel shelving”) are causing injury to U.S. producers. The preliminary injury determination means that the case against producers in China will proceed.
Edsal Manufacturing Company filed the petition on September 16th, charging that unfairly traded imports of boltless steel shelving from China were causing material injury to the domestic injury. A countervailing duty petition alleging that the Chinese Government provided significant subsidies to Chinese boltless steel shelving producers was also filed.
As a result of the Commission’s affirmative determinations, the U.S. Department of Commerce will continue to conduct its investigations on imports of these products, with its preliminary countervailing duty determination due on or about April 28, 2015, and its antidumping duty determinations due on or about July 10, 2015.
“This affirmative decision is an important first step in remedying the injury that the flood of unfairly traded imports of boltless steel shelving from China have had on the domestic industry,” commented Kathleen Cannon, of Kelley Drye & Warren LLP, the lead trade counsel to the Edsal Manufacturing Company.
Boltless steel shelving is used for storage purposes in homes, garages, offices, and commercial and industrial operations. The term “boltless” refers to steel shelving in which the vertical and horizontal supports forming the frame are assembled primarily without the use of nuts and bolts or screws, and without tools.
Edsal Manufacturing is represented in these actions by Kathleen Cannon, Alan Luberda, Paul Rosenthal, Grace Kim and Gina Beck.