Thomson Reuters Quotes Partner William C. MacLeod on Changes to Green Marketing Guidelines
Partner William C. MacLeod was quoted in a Thomson Reuters News & Insight article titled, “U.S. Seeks to Stamp Out Deceptive ‘Green’ Advertising.” The Federal Trades Commission (FTC) has recently revised their Guides for the Use of Environment Marketing Claims. The new guidelines are designed to help businesses ensure that the environmental marketing claims they make are true and substantiated. Advertisers can quickly get into hot water with regulators if they cannot prove their environmentally-friendly claims, or if they are found to be misleading or negligible.
Mr. MacLeod praised the revised guidelines as having “a great deal of new and useful advice.” He also said, “If more marketers read these, the FTC won’t have so many cases.”
To read the full article, please click here.
For more information on this issue, reference the Kelley Drye client advisory, “FTC Issues Final Revisions to the Green Guides: New Guidance for Substantiating Environmental Marketing Claims.”