The Wall Street Journal Quotes Partner Andrea L. Calvaruso on Potential Law Against Designer Counterfeits
The Wall Street Journal article, “NYC Proposed Law: Buy a Fake Bag, Go to Real Jail” reported city council member Margaret Chin plans to introduce legislation criminalizing the purchase of fake, trademarked merchandise. Under the proposed legislation, the buyer could be convicted of a misdemeanor resulting in jail time or a $1,000 ticket.
The article noted: “Andrea Calvaruso, the chair of the trademark and copyright group at Kelley Drye & Warren, explained to us that the proposal is limited in that it creates liability only for the purchase of knock-offs that include the trademark itself, rather than for limitations of a design or trade dress.
Despite its limitations, Calvaruso, who represents the fashion industry in IP disputes, said the proposed law ‘would move the ball in the right direction.’ ”
The article also noted sources who opposed the possible law.