The New York Times Quotes Partner Michael J. Coursey on Honey Imports
Partner Michael J. Coursey is quoted in the New York Times article “Food Detectives on a Tough Case.” The article outlines the enforcement of a United States tariff on Chinese honey imports. Honey reaching the U.S. border has not only been passed through other ports in order to avoid the tariff, but also mixed with sweeteners and syrups. The Customs and Border Protection laboratory is being tasked with determining where a honey sample originated, and if it was cut with other substances such as high-fructose rice syrup. Mr. Coursey, who has represented American honey producers, said, “An importer could present goods to Customs and say, ‘This is 90 percent rice syrup, 10 percent honey,’ and Customs really has no way of knowing.”
To read the full article, please click here.